At this time, she is still at her teething stage, so she literally bites/chews on anything she can sink her tiny teeth into. The vet has advised that this is a very common issue for her age and when her full set of teeth grows, she will drop the habit gradually. On our part, we are also trying various ways to stop her biting/chewing, while hoping at the same time, she can grow up faster and stop this habit soon.
Since Rossi came home, we realised that she has gained a bit of weight. At first, we thought it was her fur that had grown longer and fluffier, giving the impression that she has increased in bulk. However, when we carry her, we could feel her frame weighing upon us. We could easily lift her up with one arm when she first came back, because she was so small and light. Now, we could feel th
In the past few days, we have stopped putting her into her cage for bed. We let her sleep outside her cage, so that she feels cooler and could go to "toilet"on her own whenever she needs to do so anytime at night, without having to call out for us. When it's time for bed, we would switch off the living room lights, turn on the light stand and pass her a doggy soft toy, which we call "Mei Mei", to accompany her. It is also meant as a cue to let her know that its time for her to sleep. She seems to know this and would usually hold on to Mei Mei, chew it all over then fall asleep eventually.
When she is asleep, hubby would usually go to his study room to surf the Net, while I would go to our bedroom to watch TV. Occasionally, we would peep at her from where we are, to ensure she is sleeping well.
Although she can be so naughty at times, I still love her alot. When I am not at home with her, I would think about her and worry over her well-being. Then once I knock off from work, I would dash to the bus stop like the road runner to catch the bus home to be with her ASAP. My hubby thinks I display symptoms of separation anxiety (Anxiety resulting from not being able to see her).
Whenever hubby or I am annoyed with her for being naughty, she seems to be aware of it. She would start to become very quiet and tame like a good gal. Later, when we go over to pick her up, she would kiss us with licks here and there. We can't stay mad at her for long. (Normally, she is quite stingy with her kisses! She only gives us licks of kisses automatically in the morning when she wakes up, in the afternoon when she has her lunch and at night when we come home. Whenever we ask her to kiss us, she would just give one small peck on our faces. Sometimes, after pecking me or my hubby once, she would reluctant to do it again even when we ask her to do so repeatedly!)
Another thing about my baby gal is, she might look and feel fluffy like a little soft toy, but she doesn't like to be cuddled, nor does she like to be held for too long. Whenever we cuddle her, she would struggle to come loose with her mini paws. Then everytime we hold her to clean her up after her pee/poo or to walk about or just to sit around to watch TV, she would try to wriggle herself free from us and start protesting with her impatient little whines. Sometimes, hubby tries to imitate her whines and his act would stun her into silence!
What she really loves, is to run and jump about in the living room freely on those agile, slender limps of hers. When she got tired after all the activity, she would rest with her legs slightly apart and paws perched on the floor. After awhile, she would begin her activity all over again. In short, she is a bundle of endless energy. Playing with her is a sure-fire way to lose weight. No diet needed! (Great for Hubby!)