Monday, September 6, 2010

Sashimi Sashimi

The idea of giving raw fish in its whole form with its head, eyes, scales, fins, bones etc does not sit well with me. For one, I am not an avid fish consumer in its cooked whole form and have had quite some bad experiences with fish. I choked on fish bones quite a number of times during my younger days.

I must admit that I do not handle whole fish well. I do not know how Rossi will handle a whole fish, but I do not feel comfortable at all giving it to her. It is not a problem giving her lamb and chicken bones and she handles them pretty well too. But for whole fish, it is very difficult for me to get past the terrible feeling of choking on fish bones.

I have read that Artic breeds do well on fish. Rossi gal is not in this category, so I do not feel it's a must for her to have whole fish. Besides, based on an article I read about diets, her breed does particularly well on meats like lamb and chicken from the cattle and poultry groups respectively.

Despite this, I do not want to deprive her of having fish in her diet, so I decide to give her Sashimi, which is also my favorite form of fish. Though I do not do well on cooked fish with bones, I love fish in the form of Sashimi very much, especially Salmon.

Homemade Dory Sashimi

Yes, I have read books and heard from raw feeders that they could handle a whole fish. But for me, I do not want to risk it. I believe in giving Rossi gal foods that I am most comfortable with. I do not have to follow what others are doing or do something just because it is deemed to be good. What works best for others might not be the best for my Rossi gal. I believe in doing what's best for Rossi gal based on my understanding of her condition. No one knows Rossi gal better than Mummy. ;p

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