Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Chia Seeds

*Thanks to Velvet, Cotton & Lauyrn's Mummy ("The Natural PawPals") for sharing about the Mighty Chia Seeds! Really Appreciate it. :p

I got my chia seeds! I had wanted to wait till Friday to get it, but could'nt  wait till then, so I went to get it after work today. 

I got the seeds mainly for Rossi gal. The chia seeds are packed with the goodness of Omega 3. This is the very reason why I got it. O3 is very beneficial for the skin, it's just what Rossi gal needed.

As it is a healthy food, I have decided that Daddy and myself should take it together with Rossi gal too. I have soaked some seeds in the fridge for all three of us. We all start taking the seeds from tomorrow onwards. (*Daddy didnt want to join in at first, but I bugged him till he relented. :P)

Rossi gal doesn't do well on fish oil. I do give her raw fish weekly. She also doesn't do so well on oily fishes like sardines, so I give her mainly salmon.

Since going raw, her skin has improved from before. Hopefully, these chia seeds can help to improve her skin further.   

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