Monday, May 18, 2009

Rossi's First SKC Dog Show

Yesterday, we went to the SKC Dog Show with Rossi. It was our, as well as Rossi's very first SKC Dog Show.

It was exciting for us to see so many doggies and their owners gathering at one big place. There were stalls selling various stuff and we bought a herbal spray and frisbee for our gal. There were also Doggie competitions going on. We were especially drawn to the agility competitions. It was our very first time seeing doggies going through the agility obstacles and it was so cool. Someday, we also hope Rossi would have the opportunity to join the agility competition and have some fun with it.

There were many doggies of various sizes and outlooks. We saw quite a number of toy doggies dressed up in cute clothing and some were wearing little shoes. They were all so cute! Then there were also those gigantic doggies, whose sizes intimidated us abit and our gal was abit nervous when they were near. We also saw 2 other Papillons around there and were quite excited about it. We managed to have a short chat with a nice couple with an adorable 3mths old male old Papillon. As the Papillon community locally seemed rather small, we seldom get to see them often. So far, we have only seen 3 other adult Papillons during the occasions we took Rossi out for walks. (Though Rossi is a mere 4mths old, she looked bigger in size than the adult Papillons we saw. Probably my gal is just big boned? Or she eats too much and thus, grows bigger? Well, we aren't too sure.)

Coincidentally, my hubby also bumped into his ex school mate and girlfriend at there. They had lost contact since the secondary days and reunited at the Dog Show. Then amazingly, they also owned a female Papillon! But their Papillon was still at the pet shop and currently, they were waiting to bring her home. (It was actually his girlfriend who noticed Rossi and stopped in her tracks, then from here, my hubby saw his ex school mate. That's how they saw each other again. ) The guys did a quick catching up on the old times, while we, the gals, chatted about our furkids. Contact numbers were exchanged and we would arrange to meet up again. What a small small world!

It was an interesting and eye-opening experience. We look forward to attend more shows like this in future.


  1. Hi, your Rossi's ears very cute hor.. like butterfly!

    Billie Jean

  2. Rossi's ears are her most prominent feature and she can hear very well. :) Actually, Papillon means "Butterfly" in French.
