Tuesday, April 5, 2011

New Organic Cuts

On Saturday, I dropped by and bought organic Turkey drummies & organic Lamb Rump of Heart for Rossi gal.

She had eaten raw turkey breast meat (non-organic) as well as different cuts of raw lamb (leg, shoulder, tenderloin & rack/cutlet from both grassfed & organic).

I will debone the turkey drummies and let her try the meat from the turkey's leg. And this time, it's organic. ;p 

The Lamb Rump of Heart is the meat around the heart.(*Thanks Regina for telling me.) I have seen this several times at the store, but didnt get it. Then in this round of shopping, I got one pack for Rossi gal.

I will try to get different parts/cuts of the various meats for Rossi gal to eat. I believe variety (in meats and the parts/cuts of meats) is important for her diet and different types of meats, as well as the different cuts of the meats, contain different nutrition. Also, in the wild, carnivores hunt their prey, kill and eat it. They get to eat the different parts/cuts of the prey. But it is not possible for me to do this for her raw diet.  

My best for Rossi gal, would be to provide her with a variety of organic / grassfed / free range raw meats and different cuts of the respective meats that I'm able to get for her.

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