Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The "BottomLess Pit"

Yeah, it's Rossi, The "BottomLess Pit". She is 24-7 ready for food. Even if she has just eaten her dinner less than one minute ago, when she smells food, she pants and whines like she has not eaten a single thing all day! She can just keep eating and eating and eating all the time!

We have tested this..When she is already sleeping soundly from all the vigorous exercise, just a soft whisper of "mom mom" (it means food) to her, her big ears stand up straight, her nose starts sniffing the air and she will leap from her bed and make a mad dash for the kitchen, her tail wagging and mouth watering while she sits in front of the kitchen door, guarding it like a vigilant soldier. If she gets impatient from the waiting, she would emit little pitiful whines to hurry us.

She has an amazingly voracious appetite that belies her lean frame. Despite gobbling on so much food, she remains so slim. Her tummy is practically flat and we could feel her ribs beneath a sturdy layer of flesh when we touch her body. However, she is perfectly healthy and has an ideal weight. No idea where all the food has gone to.

We could only attribute her slimness to her high power activity level everyday, helping her to lose all the calories.(*So that she can eat some more! What a strategy!)

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