Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Words I

By an amazing one...

"I am invisible. I merge with my surroundings. I have vibrant colours. Green is just one of them. I like the idea of being undetectable. I only show myself when I feel like it. I go wherever I want, becoming what my surrounding details me to be. Aren't I amazing? I think I am!"

By an experienced one...

"My movements may be slow, but my mind is as sharp as a needle. I have keen senses. I'm intelligent. I'm slow and steady. I'm aware of whatever happens around me. I have lived a long time and witnessed many changes on this earth. I know many things."

By a friendly one...

"I'm proud of my beautiful spikes. They protect me from my enemies. They look impressive. No others have them and this makes me unique and different from them. Others are afraid of me because of my spikes, but I mean no harm unless provoked. I'm not as scary as I'm thought to be. Actually, I'm quite friendly!"

By a selfless one...

"I love my wife. I go where she goes. She is the light of my life. I'm worried about what will happen to her should anything happens to me. I'm not as strong as I used to be. How I wish I'm stronger. I can only protect her as long as I live."

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