Friday, July 8, 2011

1 Year on Raw & Counting

Rossi gal has been on raw for a year (& counting). Looking back, it is amazing how raw has benefitted her health, especially her coat of furs. 

During this time, I have also learnt an important lesson, and that is, I have to focus on her needs and suit her diet exclusively to what she needs. 

Every one is different. What one does well on, does not necessarily mean another will do well too. Thus, I have to determine what Rossi gal really needs to thrive on. Also, since young, she has always been very sensitive and so, all the more, I have to take extra care when it comes to her diet.

There are those, who are sceptical of the raw diet, with some even against it, without even knowing or bothering to find out what the diet is all about.

On the other hand, there are also those, who have attempted raw, but when they encounter some setbacks or do not see what they hope for, they choose to give up. With this, they turn back to their previous diet (eg.kibbles), thinking that raw is not for them, when it could just probably be due to some lack of understanding or research.

To me, this is just sad, especially so for the latter group.

All in all, raw is the best I have ever done for my Rossi gal. I'm so very glad that I took the plunge a year back. If I had not taken this 'plunge of faith', I wonder what will become of her now. I'm very sure she will look & smell horrible now and I cannot bring myself to imagine the degree of her horrible-ness. @x@

If there is any regrets in going raw, yes, there is one regret I have.

I regret not going into raw right from the start. If only I have known better then...If only I have not been hoodwinked by commerical pet foods then...

But luckily for her, she is not too late. 

Rossi gal, our precious baby, daddy and mummy are looking forward to more good years ahead with you. We love you.  

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