Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Rubie, My Personal Massuer

After being with us for nearly 1 & a half month, Rubie did something very interesting yet so sweet, to me.

On Monday night, Rubie jumped onto my lap and massaged me. She also massaged me yesterday morning & night, as well as this morning. A total of 4 times. :)

It is a completely new experience to me. But I do like the feeling of being massaged. She does the massage so well. It feels so nice & comforting. ^_^ 

And she does it only on me. LOL! Daddy was feeling kinda 'jealous' about it. ;D 

Her act of massaging is known as 'kneading' or 'making biscuits'.

Daddy and I have seen Rubie kneading the towel on her beds several times, but we didn't expect that she would actually knead me too. :)

Why Do Cats Knead?
Why Do Cats Knead on People?

The above links list some reasons for their kneading behaviour.

For me, Rubie's kneading on me is an expression of love & contentment. I feel special & loved too, with every up-down motion of her paws.  

Video of the very first time Rubie kneaded me. (Monday, 27 May)
Link to video: Rubie's Kneading 1

Another video of Rubie kneading me. (Tuesday, 28 May)
Link to video: Rubie's Kneading 2

In the first video, she started off her first kneading on my thigh. 

In the second video, she moved on to knead my belly. I love how she gazed at me as she did her kneading here.

After kneading, she rested herself on my lap and dozed off shortly. She was on my lap for quite some while. I'm glad she feels comfortable with me.


I hope Daddy & I can give her the love & attention that she was so lacking in the first 9 years of her life.

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