Thursday, May 24, 2012

Silver Solution (Silver Sol)

Recently, I got a bottle of Silver solution for Rossi gal. It is also known as "Silver Sol". I got it on the recommendation of a fren, who has seen good results using it for her dog.

The Silver Sol has anti-bacterial, anti-viral & anti-fungal properties and is useful for combating infections. It is also a potent anti-inflammatory, non-toxic and safe for human consumption. Personally, I feel it is something good to have on hand.

Please refer to this link for more information on its uses and benefits: 

I have not used the Silver Sol myself or fed it orally to Rossi gal yet. However, I have been dabbing some of the solution externally on her hot spots that she still gets on & off. Her hot spots seem to reduce in redness, but I would have to use it longer to determine its effectiveness for her in this aspect.