Saturday, May 26, 2012

Silver Gel

As per my earlier blog post, I have been using some Silver Sol on Rossi gal's hot spots, which seem to reduce in redness.

Then after some contemplation, I decided to get the 'Silver Gel' for her as well. I feel that it would be good to get the gel for her, as it is meant for use in skin-related issues.

The Silver Sol on the other hand, is mainly for health maintenance, supporting the immune system and combating infections.

Like the Silver Sol, the Silver Gel is also anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal and very importantly, non-toxic. It promotes skin healing and could be used for a range of skin-related issues like cuts, abrasions, insect bites, rashes, itch, irritation, ulcers and eczema etc. 

I have applied some gel on her hot spots for the first time this afternoon, so it is still too early to tell how useful it is for Rossi gal. I would have to observe longer to know.