Sunday, March 29, 2009

Rossi's First Car Ride

We waited for the groomer to do the necessary stuff like bathing, cutting of nails, trimming of fur and cleaning of ears for Rossi before taking her back. After the grooming was done, Hubby carried Rossi in his arms gently. Her appearance had changed from the last time we seen her. At 11 weeks now, she had grown up. Previously, her ears were slightly drooping downwards. Now, they stood erect, showing the potential graceful "butterfly" ears she would have in her progression to adulthood.

Hubby held her gently in one arm, as she was so small and light. Initially, she was trembling uncontrollably. This was normal, as she was leaving a familiar surrounding. We assured her by stroking her, telling her that it was okay, Daddy and Mummy would take good care of her. Then we brought her over to our friends who were waiting for us outside the Pets' Supplies Store. When our friends saw her, they were delighted. They began stroking her and helped to put her little mind at ease. Adorable little Mocha, her very first friend, was also introduced to her. Slowly, Rossi stopped trembling and was more relaxed.

We bought a couple of things from the pets supplies shop and proceeded to take her home in our friend's car. As we were afraid that she might get nauseous and vomit in the car, hubby placed a big plastic bag directly below her while I held a towel close by to wipe her mouth if she did vomit.
The car ride began. We were alert and ready for her at anytime. As the car moved, our heartbeat accelerated. We did not want to be caught unaware if she vomitted. It was quite a long way home too.

Throughout the car journey, we tried to keep her occupied by talking to her. Our friends helped too, by petting her and getting her to socialize with Mocha.

To our amazement, Rossi remained calm and showed no signs of nauseousness, other than appearing to doze off and we quickly roused her to stay awake. When we reached home and got off the car, Rossi was fine! We were very proud of our little gal!

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