Saturday, March 21, 2009

Why "Rossi"?

Why did we choose "Rossi" over all other names? In the first place, it doesn't sound exactly feminine, considering she is a female and it doesn't sound like a doggie's name either.

So, why Rossi? Actually, this name is given by my hubby. He named her after a popular and skillful MotoGP racer he admired greatly. Anyone who is a fan of MotoGP will know by now who this particular racer is. (Yes, that's right! it's HIM.)

When he proposed this name to me, I was like, okay, it's a cool name. I would also like for her to be a little "toyboyish". Besides, judging from her cute antics and hyper movements, I don't think she is exactly a docile little gal.

Therefore, this is it. Rossi will suit her just fine.

1 comment:

  1. Mocha was named Mocha caused....we love drinking MOCHA!!! Ha ha ha
