Thursday, November 22, 2012

A Trying Time

I am going through a time that is filled with frustration, helplessness, anxiety & disappointment. It does not help too, that there is so much negativity surrounding me. Things that I see. Things that I hear. Things that are happening. They only serve to add on to my already heavy burden.

Rossi gal's daddy is ever supportive and is right by my side. He has been with me through thick & thin, in good & bad times all these years. He is my pillar. Without his support, I would have collasped many times over.

In this trying time, I need more positivity & less negativity. More negativity will only bring me down deeper than I am now. I need to avoid negativity in all forms. If I can't stop negativity, I will have to avoid it. Negativity can kill one's spirit. I need my spirit to fight on.

I know in my heart that only God can see me through this. I sincerely hope He will provide a way out. 15 years ago, I strayed away from him. I thought He did not care for me at all, but I was wrong. He is the one who lends his helping hand to me when I needed it most. He has never forgotten me. He remains faithful to me, in spite of my faithlessness. He has always been there for me. I need him more than ever now.

Last but not least, I'm amazed that those whom I least or never expect to care, show their concern for me. It is really nice to know that there are those who care.